The Global Center for Professional Development and Excellence (GCPDE) is an agency that was founded in 2012 by Emmanuel Kavumbi who also serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The main purpose of GCPDE is to deliver a message of “Success through Motivation” to Middle Schools, High Schools, Community Colleges, Universities, and Professional Settings like companies/corporations geared by the agency’s commitment to professional development and excellence.
Emmanuel coined or designed a model of leadership which he continues to use as a Motivational Speaker in driving a strong message of leadership in both academic and professional settings. He says, “Being a LEADER to me simply means…” L – Learn E – Every A – Aspect D – Define E – Each R – Result
When schools request Health Profession(s) presentations or workshops, Emmanuel does it under Allied Health Series (AHS) Parts 1 to 15 which he launched in 2012. The purpose of AHS is to provide “Hands on Skills” to students interested or already in the medical/health professions as requested by schools. The presentation allows students not only to learn new skills but also to practice them thoroughly. They are presented in a very humorous and professional way which allows great interaction thus fostering mastery of skill among the students.
Invite Emmanuel to your school, company or organization and let students or professionals listen to a very strong message which will always be part of their successful journey.
Quote on being a vocal vessel:
“Always be a vocal vessel that exists to build or enhance a positive change in our community.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote on Letting Go of the Past:
“Never ever regret on anything of the past but instead focus on the present and the future with an optimistic mind without forgetting that such a perspective can yield even better results than the past itself.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote on the Power of Communication:
“It is true to say…Excellent Communication is the precursor or cornerstone to Success.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote for Safety and Leadership:
“Mask for COVID and Unmask for Leadership.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote for all Leaders:
“Exemplary Leaders are Fearless.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote for a Strong Individual:
“It is true to say…the strength of an individual is not determined by fame or financial assets he/she has but the positive impact he/she exemplifies to his/her family and other people.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote for a Strong Organization:
“It is true to say…the strength of an organization is not determined by the number of employees or financial assets it has but the positive impact it exemplifies on its employees and clients.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote on Leadership Ethics:
“The moral fiber of a strong leader is always embedded in de-escalating conflicts in the work place while that of a weak leader is to always escalate them.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote for all Leaders:
“It is true to say…a leader cannot lead without a follower just as a follower cannot follow without a leader.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote for a Purposeful Life:
“Navigating life without a purpose is like driving a car without a steering wheel.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote for a Successful Future:
“A future without a commitment is like a commitment without a future.”
~ Emmanuel Kavumbi ~
Quote for a Successful Life:
“I am the best no matter what…therefore, I will never let anyone or anything take that best away from me.”